As with most tropical fruits, mangostane is also rich in vitamins, minerals, useful substances and especially antioxidants. Manganese, including xanthone polyphenols, catechins, polysaccharides, tannins, resins, carbohydrates, glucose and fructoses, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamins C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, zinc minerals and oligo elements. These are enough to make mangostan a complete antioxidant depot. Mangostan and antioxidant, which is harmful to the body when the relationship between free radicals are investigated in the world has proven to be the most antioxidant fruit mangostan. In this regard, prunes, pomegranates, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, kiwi, grapefruit is known for its antioxidant content is located in front of too much. Of course, this high antioxidant value makes mangostane a fruit that is very beneficial for the whole body health, increases cell renewal rate, rejuvenates, protects against cancer and other diseases, strengthens skin health and many other beneficial effects. The powerful antioxidant effect of Mangostan described above has a positive effect on all body health and all body systems. Manganese contains useful elements and compounds to repair and strengthen the body’s immune system, protects every organ, every tissue and cell against diseases. The nutritious and healthful content of mango makes it a very valuable nutrient. Mangostan, with its useful elements and compounds, is known as the queen of fruits.